Our Love Story

We met in 2020. Our love story starts pretty anti-climatic, we met online. After chatting for a few weeks we met up in a park like a couple of teenagers as we were only allowed to meet at a distance (Covid restrictions) Only intending to meet for an hour to see how we felt in person, we ended up staying in the park until the sun came up. Spending hours talking about everything. One of those real heart to heart nights. We felt comfortable with each other immediately, it honestly felt as though we had always known each other. Neither of us had experienced that kind of feeling before, like we had always been a couple. We felt safe with each other. It was only a few weeks before we decided to be each other’s bubble.

We shortly discovered that I almost booked Dan to be my piano teacher not long before we met which would have been a much more romantic way to meet than on an app.

What Roxy Says About Dan

Dan is the most supportive person I have ever met. He’s always willing to help and offer advice. He makes me want to be a better person and push for what I want in life. We go on adventures and find homes all over the world in little holidays. We love cosy nights in with horror movies and snacks. He is incredibly talented and watching him practice and play first dances along side all his other musical ventures makes me so proud of him, I’m always in awe. Dan is a great stepdad. He is understanding and patient with my teenager, always making us laugh. Taking us on family holidays and supporting their interests. I love that we are always working on being the best couple we can be, understanding each others minds and why we say or do things. We are a great unit and working together with our very different creative skills is a dream come true.

What Dan Says About Roxy

When Roxanne and I started talking, I could tell straight away that she was my safe space and would be forever. I felt comfortable with her, like I could be my very complicated self and that she’d always work to understand me. I’ve never experienced that before. She makes me feel like I do belong here in this world and that someone is actually in my corner. She makes me feel loved and cared for and like we’ve been looking for each other our whole lives. I could tell from early on that she has an incredible artistic eye. Drawing, poems, photography and many more things. Everything she does is exceptional and has such style and class. She has the ability to capture beautiful moments in a way that is so special. That is one of the things that attracted me to her, along with her gentle nature and kind soul. We’re both very artistic and creative and both have huge passion for what we do. We are incredibly similar and extremely close and I adore working along side her, it’s the most reassuring and fulfilling feeling. This is why we started our company. Our love, gentleness and understanding is the perfect formula and will transfer over to your special day.

From our love story to yours, we will always value your experience and send you into married life with an unforgettable night and photographs to tell a main chapter in your story, for years to come.